ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications

Information for Authors

ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications

Information for Authors


1. General Guideline

ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications (ITE Trans. MTA) focus on the technology, design and applications of Multimedia computation, with emphasis given to novel engineering systems, scientific applications, industrial engineering trials, and other related researches not limited to image and video processing. Before submission, authors should read the information for authors. When submitting a manuscript, authors upload the required contents and input the required items at the ITE Trans. MTA manuscript submission website.

2. Feature of ITE Trans. MTA
2.1 Type of Submission

The ITE Trans. MTA allows only one type of manuscript "Paper", which has no maximum and minimum page number restriction.

2.2 Requirements of manuscript

The submitted manuscripts must contain the following:
(1) Originality/Novelty
Is the submitted work original, providing new information that either stands alone or builds upon previous work?
"New information" can mean new in a scientific sense, but also in an engineering sense, where it can include new superior combinations of previous works, new system designs and new applications.

(2) Practicality/Usefulness
Is the proposition potentially useful for readers of the ITE Trans. MTA?
Media technologies, interface realization, content design and service applications are important new fields in MTA. In these new fields, it is sometimes difficult for authors to demonstrate practicality by quantitative comparisons. In order to encourage authors to submit original work in these new fields, the ITE Trans. MTA accepts qualitative as well as quantitative evaluations.

(3) Reliability/Clarity
Are the contents of the manuscript reliable from the reader's viewpoint?
Sufficient evidence should be provided to demonstrate the originality and practicality of the work, with reference to important articles which describe related previous work, discussing how the present work relates to it and establishing that the foundations of the present work are solid.

If authors submit manuscripts which are developed versions of conference papers, which have been already presented in international conference, symposium, workshop, etc., authors must cite those related works, and the submitted manuscripts must contain novel parts such as a new proposal, a new idea, or a result.

2.3 No Duplicate Submission

Submitted manuscripts must not have been published elsewhere. If duplicate submission is found prior to the acceptance, the submission will be immediately rejected. If duplicate submission is found after the submission was accepted, the acceptance will be canceled.
If the manuscript which has already been published in the ITE Trans. MTA is suspected to be duplicate or multiple submission(s) to any journal(s) after publication, the ITE transactions editorial committee investigates the situation by exchanging information with the editorial board of the concerned journal. If duplicate submission is proved, the following actions against all the authors of the submission will be applied.
(1)   The ITE announces the cancelation of the paper of duplicate submission on the ITE     
        website, as well as the cancelation from the ITE Trans. MTA website.
(2)   The ITE notifies to the editorial board of the concerned journal about the duplicate   
(3)   All other manuscripts under review are rejected.
(4)   The authors are prohibited to submit any new manuscripts to all the ITE transactions   
        and journal for a term of one year from the date of announcement.


3. Process from submission to publish

3.1 Submission

Authors use for the submission of manuscripts. An email will be sent to the corresponding author immediately after the submission.
The details of the upload contents and the input items are shown in the Table 1.

                               Table 1 The details of the upload contents and the input items.
Title, author names, contact details Mandatory
Keywords (maximum 6 keywords) /Mandatory Mandatory
Abstract (max 150 words) Mandatory
Manuscript file (upload a single PDF file for review) Mandatory
The source file (Latex or Word files) of the manuscript file, and all the associated data files (figures, tables, photos, etc.), which are used for publication after acceptance (a single ZIP file upload) Mandatory
Video files (upload) Optional
Copyright transfer form (upload) Mandatory


Latex and Microsoft Word style files for creating manuscripts can be found here. A PDF file converged from the manuscript must be submitted for review. Any modifications of the style file are strictly prohibited.

3.2 Review

(1)   Submitted manuscripts are reviewed by reviewers selected by ITE Trans. MTA editorial board.

(2)   The editorial board will make one of the following decisions.

(a)   Accept

"Accept" is selected when one of the following two cases is satisfied. First, the submitted manuscript is acceptable, no corrections are necessary. Second, the submitted manuscript is acceptable after English of the manuscript is improved by proof reading, where the recommendation of the English proof reading is made by Associate Editor. The proof reading charge is shown in Section 5.

(b)   Minor Revision

"Minor Revision" is selected when the submitted manuscript does not reach the publication quality, but conditions for Accept will be satisfied by authors' revisions. This judgment is made only once. Thus, if the revised manuscript cannot satisfy the conditions for Accept, it will be rejected.

(c)   Reject

"Reject" is selected when the submitted manuscript does not satisfy the publication criteria in the ITE Trans. MTA, i.e., major revisions are necessary or the subjects of the submitted manuscript are not matched to the scope of this journal. Note that Associate Editor may reject the submitted manuscript before assigning reviewers when the quality of its English is quite low.

(3)   For manuscripts receiving rejection notices, the revised version of the manuscript may be resubmitted. Upon resubmission, the authors should write the previous paper ID number in the cover letter. The authors can include answer to the comments from the reviewers of the previous review in the resubmission.

(4)    If authors who have received rejection notices are not convinced of the review or the decision, they will be able to resubmit the identical manuscript to the initial submission by clearly writing the specific reasons on a cover letter.  The deadline for the resubmission is within 60 days of the date of the rejection notice.  It shall be limited to once per manuscript.


3.3 Galley Proof

Generally, submitted manuscripts will be published in the ITE Trans. MTA after the acceptance. Prior to the publication, authors must proofread the galley proofs only once. As a rule, authors may change only misprints. Any modifications of the manuscripts are not accepted.



4. Manuscript Style

4.1 Manuscript Structure

Submitted manuscripts must contain the following subjects.
(1) Title
(2) Name and membership status of each author
(3) Affiliation and address
(4) Abstract (maximum 150 words)
(5) Keywords (maximum 6 keywords)
(6) Main body
(7) Acknowledgement (if necessary, show after conclusion without section number)
(8) References
(9) Appendix (if necessary)
(10) Biography of each author
        Whole parts must be written in English.

4.2 Style of Figures, Tables and Photographs

Figures, tables and photographs shown in submitted manuscripts must satisfy the following points.

(1)   All figures, tables and photographs must be made by authors.

(2)   All figures, tables and photographs must be shown with their captions.

(3)   Resolutions of all figures, tables and photographs must be high enough.

(4)   All figures, tables and photographs must be saved on appropriate media for the relevant computer environment.

(5)   All figures, tables and photographs must be submitted to make the final manuscript.

4.3 Style of Videos

Videos can be submitted with the manuscripts under the following conditions.
(1)   Use of video is limited to cases where explanation is otherwise impossible, for example,
        where smoothness of motion needs to be shown. Videos should not be used if sufficient
        explanation is realized by utilizing several still images.
(2)   A representative frame of each video must be shown with its caption. Multiple representative
       frames are not acceptable.
(3)   The Quality of all videos must be high enough for review, e.g., videos highly degraded by lossy
       encoding are discouraged.
(4)   All videos must be made by authors.

(5)    All videos must be submitted in the appropriate file format. Accepted formats are “mp4”, “wmv”,
        “avi” and “mov”. "avi" and "mov" can be used for lossless videos.
(6)   File names of all videos must be “video1.*”, “video2.*”, “video3.*”, where * represents the file
       extension. In the submitted manuscript, these videos must be referred by their filenames without
       file extensions, e.g., “Video 1”, “Video 2”, “Video 3”.  If the submitted videos cannot be viewed
       with common viewing applications, the manuscript will be rejected.
(7)   All videos must not be included within the submitted manuscript PDF.
(8)   All videos must be submitted with the manuscript at the ITE Trans. MTA manuscript submission site.
(9)   Each video must be submitted as a separate file. The submission of one video file generated by encoding
       multiple video files into one file is not acceptable.
(10) The total file size of videos must not exceed 50Mbyte, and the total uploaded file size, including video
       files, must not exceed 100Mbyte.

4.4 Style of References

References must correctly appear in the format shown below.
(1)   When references are written by coauthors, family names and given name initials for each
        author must be shown.
(2)   If the journal names are well-known, they can be abbreviated (refer to the Appendix).
(3)   The first letter should be capitalized, with the exception of prepositions and articles.
(4)   The year of publication should be written in parentheses. Furthermore, when a month or day
        of the publication is required, use the format Aug. 1981 or Aug. 1, 1981, respectively.



Books or edited collections

1) A. Rosenfeld and A. C. Kak : "Digital Picture Processing" , Academic Press, New York (1976)


One section of a book

2) V. K. Zworykin and G. A. Morton : "Television", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, pp. 927-957 (1954)

Journal papers

3)L. D. Miller : "A New Method of Specifying the Resolving Power of Television Camera Tubes Using the RCA P-300 Test Chart", SMPTE J. 89, 4, pp. 249-256 (Apr. 1980)

4) W. N. Charman : "Three-Dimensional TV System", Appl. Opt., 20, 1, pp. 14-16 (Jan. 1, 1981)



5) M. Jacobsen : "Picture Enhancement for PAL-Coded TV-Signals by Digital Processing", 1981 Picture Coding Symposium,7. 5, pp. 69-70 (June 1981)

Citation of References:

References should be cited by putting the sequential reference number in parentheses (right parenthesis only) in small text to the right of the citation location. References should be written in order of their appearance.


5. Publication Charges

If the submitted manuscript is accepted, there is an obligation to pay the publication fee prior to the publication. The publication charge is in Tables 2 and 3 (8% consumption tax included).

                                     Table 2 Publication charge using an MTA Latex style file
Number of pages Publication charge
6 or less 24,840yen
7 or more The charge for 6 pages plus 4,320yen per each additional page


                                     Table 3 Publication charge using an MTA MS-Word Template file
Number of pages Publication charge
6 or less 37,260yen
7 or more The charge for 6 pages plus  6,210yen per each additional page


In the case that Associate Editor decides that English proof reading is necessary prior to publication for your manuscript, proof reading charge should be added. The charge is 7,203 yen per page (8% consumption tax included).
Please download the Payment Form, fill in the form, and upload its PDF file when your manuscript will be accepted and be in the publication process. The Payment Form can be downloaded here.

6. Copyright

The copyrights of all papers published in the ITE Trans. MTA are automatically transferred to the ITE. Authors are required to sign and submit a completed "Copyright Transfer From" prior to publication by the ITE. "Copyright Transfer Form" can be downloaded here.
As a rule, the copyright for the articles published in the Journal of ITE belongs to the Institute, so we request that you submit a copyright transfer form. Recently, across all fields a situation where rights are claimed can be predicted. To deal with this, we have established the copyright regulations. We accept copyright transfer forms from the authors so that the transfer of copyright is performed clearly. This prevents unexpected situations with copyright and explicitly documents the stance of the author as well as the Institute towards infringement by a third party. We believe that this protects the copyright, so we request that authors co-operate in submitting a copyright transfer form when making their submission. In addition, the main purpose of affiliating with the ITE is to contribute to the Journal CD-ROM edition or the Technical Information Research Electronic Dictionary Encyclopedia, and protection of copyright. Contributing the same document for profit to another Journal requires the permission of the Institute, even if the author of the document is the same. However, for non-profit reasons, the author is may use their document freely.
The use of the document in electronic form is included in the copyright. That will be managed by the following method:

(1)   The Institute will not interfere or hinder by making complaints or allegations when the author reproduces, translates or makes  an adaptation of their own article.  However, if the translation or the article in its part or entirety is used for profit in another publication, please make a proposal to the executive office and clearly state the source. Furthermore, when dealing with Web or CD-ROM materials, please make the proposal as described above. Also, when using only a part of a document, please clearly state the source below the caption.

(2)   In the following cases, the author and Institute will make a separate agreement in the case that the transfer of copyright to the Institute is problematic.

(a)    The author does not particularly desire the transfer of copyright, such as in the case of articles for special classes at conferences.

(b)   The article contents relate not only to the personal copyright of the author, but also to the organization the author is affiliated with, and it is not possible to obtain the organization's consent for copyright transfer. However, in this case, there are already plans for the below-mentioned secondary uses (since the intent is non-profit, the actual publication will occur earlier) for which we would like to obtain your consent.  If it is possible to obtain this consent in advance, the Institute will draft a "Reproduction Consent Request" and send it.  The Institute is a non-profit organization, however if this consent is not obtained, then the author's submission will be excluded from the secondary uses.
However, in this case, there are already plans for the below-mentioned secondary uses (since the intent is non-profit, the actual publication will occur earlier) for which we would like to obtain your consent.  If it is possible to obtain this consent in advance, the Institute will draft a "Reproduction Consent Request" and send it.  The Institute is a non-profit organization, however if this consent is not obtained, then the author's submission will be excluded from the secondary uses.

National Institute of Information Scholarly and Academic Information Portal CiNii (URL: after 3 months since publication have passed. For unregistered people or non-members the paper will be published after 2 years.

It is hoped that you will author the manuscript after agreeing to the above policies.

Also, when quoting information from other journals, please understand the following:

(1)   Be aware of the copyright of the paper that you are quoting.

(2)   Obtain prior permission for the use of figures, tables or photographs from other libraries or journals.



Contact Information:
Editorial Office, The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
Kikai Shinko Kaikan 403, 3-5-8 Shiba Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011 Japan
