Editing/publishing the ITE journal

An editing committee of over 150 persons plans the journal, judges submitted papers, complies overseas Webzine contributions, and selects news articles for inclusion. The result is a monthly journal of approximately 150 pages that is prepared and distributed to all organization members.
Journal contents, Webzine contributions, and data from news topics are also made available on our website. The journal features the following:

  • High-quality technical papers
  • Technical information selected and edited by specialists
  • Thoroughly-studied expositions on monthly technical topics

 Image information-related study/research activities

The separate committees that make up our Technical Committee carry out a number of survey and research activities. The Research Group, under the aegis of the Research Committee, holds public meetings to encourage active participation in debates and discussions. These meetings enable experts and novices alike to discuss the newest research and technical developments in a free and open manner. Fields handled by our committees, procedures for filing announcements and so forth are made available in our journal or on HP. More than 80 Research Group meetings are held annually, with over 800 research papers presented. To ensure thorough exploration of new technical areas, periodic meetings of the Research Group and Specialist Research Group are held so that the latest technical areas can be discussed. Material for release is published in the "ITE Technical Report" and is made available for a fee.

Research committees
Data sensing research committee/Data display research committee/Multimedia storage research committee/Consumer electronics research committee/Broadcast technology research committee/Human information research committee/Video expression & computer graphics research committee/Media engineering research committee/ Multimedia-entrepreneur engineering research committee
Periodic Research Group
A periodic research group on 3-D video technology
Specialist Research Group
A specialist research group on next-generation image input

 ITE Annual Symposium

ITE holds a symposium in July or August of each year. It is convened as an invited gathering of ITE members and members of related scientific institutes, and as a lecture symposium requested by an organizing committee, as a special symposium, or as a special planning symposium. The venue is either in Tokyo or a suitable selected location in another city. The 41st annual symposium was held in 2005, and in recent years has been attended by nearly 700 participants with over 200 releases issued. Providing a lively forum for active discussion, it also offers an excellent opportunity to achieve good human networking.

 ITE Winter Symposium

In addition to our Annual Symposium, ITE holds a Winter Symposium in November or December each year. Like the Annual Symposium, it is also convened as an invited gathering of ITE members and members of related scientific institutes, and as a lecture symposium requested by an organizing committee, as a special symposium, or as a special planning symposium. The 10th Winter Symposium was held in 2005, and in recent years has been attended by nearly 300 participants with over 100 research papers presented. Like the summer symposium, it provides a lively forum for fruitful discussion and for achieving significant and productive results.

 Training conferences and lecture conferences

Several times annually, training conferences and lecture conferences are convened in Tokyo or other cities as the occasion requires to discuss important selected topics. Sponsored either by ITE or co-sponsored with related scientific institutes, they offer opportunities to disseminate state-of-the-art technologies.

 Book publishing

ITS plans, edits and publishes books on related scientific areas in cooperation with publishing companies.

 Creating and distributing test charts

Test charts are available for purchase at low membership prices.

 Selecting "Fellow Members"

A selection committee is organized annually to recognize ITS members who have made significant contributions to this organization and to the development of image information- related science. Such members are awarded certificates and medals honoring them as "Fellow Members".

 Bestowing Specific Awards As Below

For "Niwa-Takayanagi Awards","Technology Promotion Awards", "Suzuki Memorial Incentive Awards", "Fujio Frontier Awards", "High Vision Technology Awards", and "Funai Awards", a selection committee is organized annually to bestow specially inscribed awards on carefully-considered, deserving members. Certificates and medals are awarded at ordinary general meetings of members in May or at the Annual Symposium.

A selection committee is organized annually to bestow specially inscribed awards on carefully-considered, deserving members. Certificates and medals are awarded at ordinary general meetings of members in May or at the Annual Symposium.

 Bestowing "Research Promotion Awards"

These awards are bestowed for exemplary research papers issued by the Research Group. Selections are made by all research committees and awards are presented at the Winter Symposium.

 Bestowing "Outstanding Student Release Awards"

These awards are bestowed annually on students who have issued outstanding releases announced at the Annual Symposium and Winter Symposium. Recipients are awarded special certificates and prizes.

 Issuing business funds for image information media development

ITS member contributions to image information media development are supported in the form of monetary awards.

 Supporting international conference student releases

Using business funds for image information media development, we provide financial support to students to help cover their expenses needed to participate in international conferences held overseas.

>> Click HERE for details (in Japanese)

 Activities contributing to society

A fund is made available for providing monetary awards to persons who have made significant contributions to society.